Picking sweet strawberries on a Spring morning in Manhattan with this dynamic family, I loved capturing the beauty of their home and their connection.
May 5, 2024
Picking sweet strawberries on a Spring morning in Manhattan with this dynamic family, I loved capturing the beauty of their home and their connection.
Picking sweet strawberries on a Spring morning in Manhattan with this dynamic family, I loved capturing the beauty of their home and their connection.
Spring is blooming in our studio with this maximalist portrait session…
Mandy’s quiet, unwavering reslience is a gift to witness. She is an incredible mother who has undergone hardships that inspire those in her world and beyond. What a joy to spend the afternoon…
Lessons of love and reselience during our family shoot in the desert…
Check out these four looks we did with Sam for her maternity session at our Brooklyn studio…
Take a walk with Emilee, as we meander and chat about life and love at Bittersweet Farm…
With the patience to wait out a storm, you get the beach to yourself…
A sweet trio captured in their element…